The Future of Using Handshake? Bidding From Anywhere with BlockExplorer

A lot of developments here in Handshake and working on keeping the channel updating all of you!

One that we have to cover is - the Block Explorer website that connects to the Bob Wallet Chrome Extension.

This feels like META MASK on Ethereum - except this is the Handshake blockchain and more about domains as NFTs.

Here is a video where we will go through the process of:

  • Browsing ending soon names on the Handshake blockchain
  •  Making a bid
  • Revealing a bid
  • Future uses of this combination (buying on Shakedex, re-building handshake mercenary forum for buy/sell)
  • I helped introduce HNSfans for the to Bob Wallet team - and they open-sourced the code (on Github) and now BobWallet will work on making similar buttons and features you see on Block Explorer dot com on that site too.

Basically - all websites can start to have FUNCTION.

The future I see
Just like we use Meta Mask on ethereum as we browse the web.

Imagine doing the same w/ handshake.

Of course right now - it is bidding and revealing domain names (TLDs technically)

But imagine:

  • Logging in w/ Handshake on various websites
  • Paying with the balance in your chrome extension
  • Receiving names (NFTs) to your extension from friends on various social networks

More inspiration from this tweet by the creator

Also - make sure you know the team behind Bob Wallet was also actively involved in the Meta Mask wallet - so that is pretty epic if you ask me.

The future seems bright for Handshake - the power of a community and a decentralized system is bearing fruit. As we see other naming conventions which have more centralized power and control of their system start to struggle as the bear market in crypto comes, we see this open source and decentralized community starting to ship products and updates.

Just a reminder of how much I love Handshake and why I am still bullish on it being the system of the future.

Once more people understand this - it will rock.